Found two eggs
sitting by themselves
resting upon the branches
waiting for their day to arrive.
Quietly waiting,
for their moment…
It’s the end of March and Spring is finally here. Well, in the northeast, it’s still deciding if it’s Winter or Spring. This season creeps up on me when I least expect it. The weather is still chilly and cold, but the days are gradually getting longer and the flowers are starting to come up through the ground. I get so bogged down by the cold and grayscale of winter that it take me a bit to get into the swing of Spring.
It is amazing how every year the same thing happens in Spring. Animals come out of their slumber and plants come back to life. Our bodies start to get into better moods after the last freeze, and we can start enjoying the outdoor sunshine a little bit more (albeit our skin gets sunburned in the process).
Don’t let Spring pass you by this year. Look around and appreciate this season of awesome rebirth and renewal. It will make you appreciate what we went through the last few months and what we have to look forward to.
Smell the flowers
Go fly a kite
Go on a hike
Sit in silence for awhile and reflect on the year so far
Rex Felixx
P.S. April is the best month because it’s my birthday month !!!!!