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Beware of Life leeches.

There are so many people out there that are always hiding and waiting to take your love of life away. They will smile and laugh and then will attack you behind your back. Sucking your life dry. They will fester and grow bigger and bigger until you wither away. I have been a naive positive person most of my life. I always took people at face value and believe everyone was like me. I never believed people like this existed. Not until I experienced it personally that I learned there are creatures out there set to latch on and destroy you. It’s a sad life that there are others out there waiting to pounce and ruin you, and make you feel obsolete and loving having control over you.

Don’t let them!

You are amazing and you can only focus on the positives and what you can do in your life. Don’t worry anymore. Keep on smiling and laughing and staying positive. Never let them suck you dry. You can’t change people who are leeches. They can only survive on tearing you down and draining you. Remember they have no power over you.

You are the one in control of your life. It has taken me many years to finally realize that you can only do what you love and others may not like that. That isn’t for you worry or stress about. You have only this life to enjoy, make the best of it.

Leeches + soft skin = destruction

They can’t survive on others when you have tough skin or don’t give them attention. They will never have the control over you then.

Remain true to yourself and forget all the rest. Staying positive and remembering that you were made for a purpose will allow you to succeed in this life.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter

and those who matter don”t mind.” - Dr. Suess

This rings truer more than ever. In this world of shallow conversations and fake smiles, and trying to impress individuals who don’t care about you. They will never be impressed. They will never love you. Just continue to be yourself and harden your skin. In the end, this will allow you to avoid those negative soulless leeches draining you of your happiness and joy.

Don’t be a life leech.


Stay strong and continue to love living the best life you can.

Leave the leeches in the stagnate parasitic filled pond from where they come from.


Rex Felixx