eh... I'll do it tomorrow.
I want to live today.
I want to enjoy today.
I want to go after my dreams
and not wait until “someday”.
I can be the worst at procrastinating at a lot of things. Over this past year,I discovered that going after your dream is the most important thing you can ever do. I have always put off doing my dream for years, saying eventually I will get around to it. I’ll write that book someday. I will make a t-shirt someday. Over the past year I have made leaps and bounds in striving to live a fulfilled life and it has been wonderful. Instead of dreading every day, and just going through the motions; I get to be excited to do what I love all the time. My brain is in nonstop creative state allowing me to create content that I love. Don’t hesitate in pursuing your dream. We only have a certain amount of time left on this giant orb called Earth. Why not do something you enjoy, and then do it again and repeat until your dream comes true. No more lackluster living , get out and be AMAZING!!!
““I hope we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse.”- Walt Disney
Don’t feel silly for wanting to live the best life ever. Others may not understand what you are going after or be confused as to why you are going after it. That is okay. This is your dream not theirs.
Keep being awesome everybody.
Rex Felixx