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Life is precious.

Life is so precious.

Everday we have is a blessing,

and often times we don’t realize it.

You can do awesome things in this world.

You were created for something special. I don’t know what that is for you, and chances are you may not know either. That doesn't mean you just avoid it all together.

Just start trying new things and see where it goes.

It may be messy and chaotic at first as you learn to grow. You will mess up, and mess up again. However don’t quit. Never quit pursuing your dreams. Try, try, and try again until finally you accomplish what is on your heart.

Life is so precious,

don’t waste away and never fulfill your potential.

Don’t let your life pass by.


Yours truly,

Rex Felixx

Hours and days

we throw away,

like trash in the gutter.

Life is precious

realize your greatness even when

others can’t see it… yet.