Be what you want
How many people walk through life feeling miserable and never choosing to accomplish their dream? I think we all know someone who wakes up miserable , works all day, and goes to bed miserable. At what point in our life do we become blobs of negativity?
I never grew up thinking life was going to suck or be painful or dreadful every day of the year. In fact, I always thought I would grow up to be a famous musician or an actor on the stage. Hahah neither ever happened…yet. Instead, I work in insurance and offer people savings everyday. The monotony can be excruciating at times. However, a few years ago, I decided I wanted more in life and to have a fulfilled purpose. I wanted to wake up everyday feeling alive. That is when I decided to just be me and do my crazy weird drawings and writings and send a smile everyday to people who would look my way. I was tired of “ pleasing other people” and hiding my true nature of being positive or creative because others may think of me as weird. I was behaving like a chubby unicorn when in reality I was a rhino!
I don’t know if you are going through this now. But stop faking being a Chubby Unicorn when you really are a Rhino. Stop trying to impress people you can’t stand and faking your way through life. There is a point where we will all face this crossroad in life where we can decide who we want to be or have others decide who we are meant to be. I would rather decide for myself than being told what to be or what to do. I have no idea of all the answers to life. I do know this one thing though.
If you are true to yourself , then the rest will work its way out. Take it one day at a time and do what you love, that weight of impressing others will slowly lift off your shoulders and you can finally awaken each day feeling alive.
Rex Felixx
P.S. I don’t know why I said I was a Chubby Unicorn…guess that’s just my brain for ya!